"Those who look for the laws of Nature as a support for their new works collaborate with the creator." ~ Antoni Gaudi

Antoni Gaudi is one of those individuals who cannot be described with one adjective...
innovative, yes, he was way ahead of his time...
original, yes, but still labeled Art Nouveau...
distinctive, yes, but inspired by nature, something simple yet complex...
Architect, yes, but at a heightened artistic level.

What is today considered the front door of Gaudi's magnum opus, 
130 years in the making and still under construction...
is the...
and on the opposite side is the Nativity...
The Glory facade, yet to be built, will be the main entrance and will tell of the roads according to Jesus' teachings that lead to personal fulfullment and glory.

The massive doors of the current main entrance are engraved with words from the bible... 
in many different languages including Catalan.

Steered into the interior by the crowd,
after gasping at the 4500 square meters of color reflecting...
on white...
the quiet and calm of so many...
 is noticable. 

I found myself standing in awe of the man whose vision is still being completed...
but also in awe of the One who inspired it.

Solemnly dedicated as a basilica in 2010, the church of La Sagrada Familia
is a holy place open for worship.
Being there on Easter Sunday only intensified our experience...
one that Gaudi intended...
"The intimacy combined with the spaciousness is that of the forest, which will be the interior of the church."

I felt as if I was observing the crucifixion under a canopy of trees.

It is a masterpiece and Gaudi's collaborative spirit is seen throughout.  
The teacher in me found the following quote quite interesting and a lesson to educators out there who put too much emphasis on failure.

He obviously had high regard for education and the foundation has a wonderful link for teachers and schools.

Instead of sketching his ideas he constructed 3D models, creating from his great passions:  
architecture, nature, and his Roman Catholic faith.
They say Sagrada Familia is past the half way stage but when Gaudi was questioned about the slow pace of the work...
he was quoted as saying...
"My client is not in a hurry."

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

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