"The only way to save a rhinoceros is to save the environment in which it lives, because there's a mutual dependency between it and millions of other species of both animals and plants." - David Attenborough

  It is fitting to continue our serendipitous journey in India to Assam

 where the greatest population of the Greater One Horned Rhino roams.

Happy World Rhino Day!

Dinner at Bomte's lovely, hospitable home was an example of how real travel should always be.  Getting to know the locals and hear their stories.  

Bomte is well traveled and full of stories.

Upon hearing of our next adventure and where we would be staying, he, of course, knows the manager and encourages us to give him his best regards.

This message was met with an immediate upgrade.

Upon arrival at Diphlu River Lodge...

we immediately hopped into a jeep 

and headed through heavy traffic to Kaziranga National Park...

where our hopes of seeing a rhino...

became a reality so abundant...

we were reevaluating our request to only see the rhinos.  Ha!

But today is their day so there.

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