"Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns." ~ George Eliot

Because my senses can't get enough of these vibrant fall colors...
and because the early snow threatened to mute and destroy said colors...
our 'leaf peeping' drive through the countryside this past weekend covered a few more miles of beyond beautiful landscape with the added bonus of snow sprinkled throughout.

The further we drove away from the coast, we began to see farmers tootling down the road... 
plows at the ready to clear snow from neighboring driveways.
Country drives...
in Scotland...
provide lovely surprises around every bend...
and this weekend was no different.
Ren Man patiently pulled over for what I just knew would be the best photo of the day only to be 'one upped' on the next turn.

the time has already changed here so for one week we are only  five hours later than back home in Texas, 
and with that change...
 the street lights are on by 4:00 p.m. and the lovely colors will soon disappear with the daylight.
This poem reinforces my philosophy of carpe diem...
 when the colors of fall are concerned.
Who am I kidding...
carpe diem is my motto for life.
Followed by...
you snooze you lose.

My thoughts and prayers are with family and friends who are in the path of Sandy...
whose breath is stirring a bit more than the leaves on the East Coast.
Hopefully, she will run out of breath soon.

Happy Tuesday.

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