“Britannia is special for a number of reasons. Almost every previous sovereign has been responsible for building a church, a castle, a palace or just a house. The only comparable structures in the present reign is Britannia. As such she is a splendid example of contemporary British design and technology.” ~HRH Prince Philip

Actually, it is hard to believe that Ren Man has held out this long...
but when some friends from Texas breezed into town...
it was the perfect time to...
hire a kilt.

The guys were very disappointed when they discovered the sgian-dubn is wooden when renting.
 Aaaah...a toothpick!

Posing for photos while waiting for our coach...
paled in comparison to actually boarding and dining in...
the getting all dressed up is smashing anyway,
but Ren Man leaning on the rails of that yacht...
in a kilt...
was really sexy!
It was nice for the guys to help us girls out with our lipstick for a change.
Now, any true Scotsman is cringing at the thought of anything unmanly being dropped into his sporran...
but hey...
it works.

Personal touches from 44 years as the Queens Royal Yacht were evident and reflect her fondness of her time aboard while visiting over 600 ports and 135 countries.  

She has often stated that she could truly relax while aboard the Britannia.
Before dinner we were thoroughly entertained as Vic took us through the ship...
and on deck to view...
the smaller options.
The Royal Barge and the two escort boats just returned to Edinburgh, after being a part of the Diamond Jubilee pageant on the Thames River in London.

After dinner...
the guests were led to the upper deck for dancing...
and 'performing' on the royal piano where... 

Definitely an evening to remember...
and of course...
for the truly curious...

Happy Tuesday!

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